School Day
Registration takes place in form rooms at 8.20am. After this time a learner will be marked late in the class register and on School Reports. Arrival after 9.30am legally is recorded as an unauthorised absence unless there are legitimate reasons provided by parent/carers.
Total school hours weekly - 32.5 hours
Medical & Dental appointments
We ask parents/carers to make these outside school hours unless it is an emergency or urgent situation. Where they are unavoidable, we ask you to email in advance. At the agreed collection time, the parent/carer should arrive at the school site. If arriving in a car, please drive onto the school site and park in one of the allocated Student Collection bays. If arriving on foot, there is a Student Collection Point; please be aware that this is not sheltered. Please ring us on 01925 724118 (Option 8) to let us know that you are here. The learner needs to sign out with the attendance officer at the agreed collection time and sign in at reception on return.
Holidays during term-time
We are unable to authorise holidays taken during term time.