Headteacher Letter Feb 2020
14 February 2020
Dear Parent/ Carer
As we prepare for the February break I wanted to provide you with an update on what has been happening at Great Sankey this half term.
Year 11 and 13 have been using PDR time for bespoke extra revision sessions from specialist teachers as they prepare for their Mock exams when we return. Half term holiday sessions, as well as extended after school sessions are taking place to ensure course content and coursework is completed to the correct standard.
Recently, Year 8 have completed choices for their Art and Technology specialism ready for next year and Year 9 have also submitted their GCSE option choices. For September 2020 we are adjusting the scheduling of the curriculum to facilitate an increase in the number of students studying separate science and higher tier maths and we are working on some ambitious plans for Key Stage 3. To ensure a consistently high quality of learning across the school we want to be explicit with both students and parents about the sequence and building blocks of that learning. We believe that if children understand the purpose of what they are learning and why they are learning it; not only will they be more engaged but they are much more likely to remember what they have learnt and use it in the future.
After the concerns raised around bike safety Mrs Malone has organised the delivery of a Level 3 Bikeability course, letters have been passed to students in Year 7,8 and 9 and the courses will take place next half term.
The early opening of the LRC has proved to be a great success, with over 50 children each day arriving at 7:45am to use the library. To follow on from this, after half term we are planning a pilot scheme to provide a free breakfast before the start of school day, this will be served in the small dining room and will be available to all students. Recent research high-lighted, students who rarely ate breakfast score nearly two grades lower at GCSE than those children who eat a regular morning meal. We recognise it can be very hectic first thing in the morning and we want to provide an alternative to our students if they had not had a chance to grab a bite to eat before leaving for school.
I am aware of some of the concerns around the ATL system and I have been working with Mr Masher to review the current arrangements and make some amendments. Fundamentally, we want all students to be ‘Ready to Learn’, remove inconsistencies and ensure low level disruption is dealt with swiftly. Mr Masher will write to parents after half term to share the changes that we have considered and how this will be implemented in the short term and longer term.
Governors have asked me to pass on their thanks to those parents who responded to the school day change consultation and they are currently reviewing this feedback and will confirm their decision next half term.
Finally, I was delighted to receive a letter announcing that our sixth form has been awarded Champion School NCS (National Citizenship Service) for their work in 2018-19. As a school we are working towards further accreditation for the fantastic work students and staff have been doing.
Thank for you continued support, I wish you all a good half term break.
Yours faithfully
Mr J Shannon