Year 11 Internal Examinations: Monday 30th November – Friday 11th December
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Year 11 Internal Examinations: Monday 30th November – Friday 11th December
Currently, schools, the DFE and exam boards are planning for the summer 2021 exam series to go ahead. Mock examinations play a critical role in preparing students for the summer exams. The process of revision and internal testing helps students to improve their knowledge and skills and supports teaching staff in identifying gaps in knowledge which can be addressed as the academic year progresses. This year, the role of mock examinations may be even more crucial should the situation arise again, where we need to provide centre assess grades or rankings for the 2021 exam season.
In a slight adjustment to my previous letter, Year 11 mock examinations will take place from Monday 30th November – Friday 11th December. The mock exam timetable is attached. Students will also receive an individual timetable which will show the date, time and room the examination is taking place in. If alternative provision arrangements have been made for your child, the rooming on their timetable will indicate somewhere other than the main examination room.
Given that the performance in the mock exams will have a large influence on the final grades students achieve, especially if the 2021 exam season were to be cancelled, we have chosen to allow students exam study leave for this two week period. Students should attend school only for their exams and should revise at home at all other times. Where students have exams during the morning and afternoon sessions they will be able to remain within school.
We have produced a dedicated page on our website which outlines for each subject what will be assessed and the resources students can use to prepare for the forthcoming mock examinations. The link to this web page is here:
Students also have access to resources within google classroom alongside online platforms such as GCSEpod and mathswatch to support their personal revision.
All exams will be overseen by exam invigilators. In line with the school standards all students are expected to wear full school uniform and arrive fully equipped for their examinations. Students will also need to have their photo ID card which will be issued before the first exam.
Students are to be reminded that there are clear standards and procedures during examination processes. Mobile phones, wrist watches and electronic devices, including smart watches, are strictly forbidden in any examination and it is essential that these are not brought into the exam hall. All notices for candidates can be found on the school website and have also been emailed to students. If a student is found to have breached these regulations, malpractice procedures will be put in place.
More details regarding expectations and other exam related queries can be found on the school website You will also find a handbook ‘Information for Students’ that students should read before the exam series.
My thanks again for your continued support and should you have any questions please contact myself or our exams officer
Yours Faithfully
Mrs C Kane
Deputy Headteacher